Start of secondments to Spintronic and Nanomagnetism Team at IJL/CNRS/University of Loraine at Nancy

Spintronic and Nanomagnetism Team IJL welcomes researchers from Argentina and Peru to France

Mara Granada and Jean Carlos Rodríguez from Institute Balseiro of Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica CNEA in Bariloche, Argentina, and Melissa Yactayo from UNMSM—Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima-Perú started the secondments in France. We are looking forward to their exciting results on spintronic and nanomagnetic devices!

ULTIMATE-I Seminar at the Physics Department of Technical University Federico Santa Maria, Chile on molecular level modeling of 2D materials by Igor Stankovic from Senzor INFIZ/IPB Serbia

The seminar on Thursday, August 29th, 2024, at 16h05 at the Physics Department of Technical University Federico Santa Maria with the title “Molecular Dynamics Simulations as a Tool for Exploring Collective Dynamics of Small Molecules on Carbon-Based Layered Materials” by Igor Stanković from Senzor Infiz / Institute of Physics Belgrade. The seminar is supported through the ULTIMATE-I project by the European Union (Grant ID 101007825).

Dr. Carlos Rojas talks about his magnetism research to students as an ex-alumnus of their elementary school in Peru

On Monday 12th August, Dr. Juan Carlos Rojas Sánchez presented his research as CNRS researcher and ULTIMATE-I project results as an ex-alumnus of Educational Institution 81030 “César Carrillo Gil” school.

During his visit, he shared with the students his inspiring trajectory and passion for magnetism, highlighting the importance of study, perseverance, and, above all, the habit of reading as key tools to achieve success. His message was a powerful incentive for the students in Peru to commit to reading, and continuous learning to achieve their goals.

With his visits, Dr. Rojas demonstrated how education and effort can transform lives and communities.

Participation in the IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2024)

IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2024), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 5th to 10th May 2024


Lara Solís (CNEA); oral presentation: “Thermal spin-current generation in Bi-substituted YIG films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”. Collaboration with I. Larmour, INN Constituyentes y Bariloche, UNIZAR, Laboratoire Albert Fert

Joaquin Gajst (CNEA); poster presentation: “Strain-induced oxygen vacancies and ferromagnetic order near the interfaces in CaMnO3 thin films”; collaboration with J. Santiso (ICN2), J.P. Coronel, L. Steren y J. Gajst INN Constituyentes, F. Williams INQUIMAE BsAs

Ángel Alejandro Pérez Martínez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Influence of ferromagnetic coupling in Fe 85 Co 15 /Py bilayers on the ISHE voltage generated by spin pumping” INN Bariloche

Laura Steren (CONICET); poster presentation: “Correlation between strains and oxygen vacancies and magnetotransport properties of CaMnO3 thin films”
Collaboration with J. Santiso (ICN2), J.P. Coronel, L. Steren, A. López Pedroso & J. Gajst INN Constituyentes, F. Williams INQUIMAE BsAs, M. Aguirre, UNIZAR , S. Carreira y J. Briático Lab. Albert Fert

Spintronics Events by Carlos Rojas in Peru: Discover the Future of Spin Electronics

Secondment of Dr. Carlos Rojas from (Institut Jean Lamour, Univ. Lorraine/CNRS, France) to UNMSM – Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Paru enabled under and graduate students to join him in exciting events where they explored spintronics, an emerging technology that combines electric charge and electron spin to create more efficient and faster devices at National University of Technology of South Lima and National University of Engineering.

Dr. Carlos Rojas shares his international and European experience in advanced magnetic device design and spintronics.

The next events are at Nationa University Pedro Ruiz Gallo, August 7th at 10h30 Lima time, and the National University of Trujillo August 8th and 9th.

A course at the National University of Engineering at Lina, Peru on the synthesis of nano and magnetic materials for different applications given by Juan Carlos Rojas from IJL-CNRS, France

We share the invitation to participate in the course: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS FOR ENERGETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS, presented by Dr. Juan Carlos Rojas, Jean Lamour CNRS Institute, France.


date July 15th, 16th and 17th

place: 4:00 a 7:00 pm (Lima, Peru)

📌 Sala R3-123C – Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias

Dr. Juan Carlos Rojas talking for RTV San Marco about his spin-orbitronics and nanomagnetism course

IEEE Mano Peru course on Spintronics from the Auditorium of the Institute of Physics of the Faculty of Physical Sciences! The course exploree the fascinating world of giant magnetoresistance and dive into the latest advances in spin-orbitronics.

Three-day course (July 8, 10, and 12 2024, 10h00-12h00) about the basics and new trends of spintronics is given by Juan Carlos Rojas from IJL CNRS, Nancy, France at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The course is supported through the ULTIMATE-I project by the European Union (Grant ID 101007825).