Aragón Radio, Ágora (from min. 29)
18th April 2024
Jorge-Lobo spoke about an atom-thick flat magnet and, in general, about the ULTIMATE-I and MELON projects.
Interview in Spanish (with subtitles in English):
Ultra Thin Magneto Thermal Sensoring supported by European Union, Grant agreement ID: 101007825
Aragón Radio, Ágora (from min. 29)
18th April 2024
Jorge-Lobo spoke about an atom-thick flat magnet and, in general, about the ULTIMATE-I and MELON projects.
Interview in Spanish (with subtitles in English):
DOI: 10.1039/d3en00702b
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2024, Volume 11, Issue 6, Pages 2703-2715; 26th April 2024
Mauricio Llaver, Santiago D. Barrionuevo, Jorge M. Núñez, Agostina L. Chapana, Rodolfo G. Wuilloud, Myriam H. Aguirre and Francisco J. Ibáñez
All Open Access, Green Submitted
Dr. Igor Stanković presented his research on magnetism, spintronics, and self-assembly of magnetic particles to two groups of students from different high schools in Serbia interested in physics and science in general at Petnica Science Center. The presentations took place on April 16th, 2024 during the initial winter seminars. The idea of this seminar is to give the new students, who enter into the programs of the Petnica Science Center, an opportunity to meet researchers and directly learn about their research topic, scientific approach, and challenges. During his presentation, Dr. Igor Stanković demonstrated how the manipulation of magnetic neodymium magnets can lead to formulating fundamental questions about magnetic interactions and how the results of direct observations can be scientifically described. Also, he explained the value of scientific collaboration with experimental groups supported by the European Union through the ULTIMATE-I project.
Petnica Science Center is the biggest and, probably, the oldest independent nonprofit organization for extracurricular, informal science education in South Eastern Europe, since 1982 Petnica has organized more than 3,000 programs (seminars, workshops, research camps…) for nearly 50,000 students and science teachers in 15 disciplines of science, technology and the humanities.
DOI: 10.1039/d3nr03773h
Nanoscale, Volume16, Issue 14, Pages 7093-7101, 4th April 2024
Jorge Lobo-Checa, Sindy Julieth Rodríguez, Leyre Hernández-López, Lucía Herrer, Mario C. G. Passeggi, Jr., Pilar Cea, José Luis Serrano
All Open Access, Gold Hybrid
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.034408
Physical Review Materials, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 034408, 27th March 2024
S. Di Napoli, A. Román, A.M. Llois, M.H. Aguirre, L.B. Steren, M.A. Barral
Dr. Igor Stanković principal investigator of the ULTIMATE-I project Serbian member Senzor Infiz (a spin-off company of the Institute of Physics Belgrade ) made a secondment to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Institut Jean Lamour (IJL).
On Friday, March, 15th 2024 he presented a seminar on “Assembly of super-structures directed by surface and magnetic interactions: from self-assembled magnetic patterned surfaces to tubes“. During his visit to IJL, Dr. Igor Stanković visited laboratories and discussed new results with Dr. Juan Carlos Rojas-Sánchez of the Institut Jean Lamour (CNRS/Université de Lorraine).
Congratulations to our Chilean colleagues! 👏
Dr. Carlos García, principal investigator of Applied Magnetism and Spintronic Materials Group at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) received funding for a project entitled “Thermomagnetic materials for energy and spintronic applications” through the national Fondecyt Regular program. The funding to continue promoting scientific-technological-based research in Chile, creating valuable knowledge with an impact on the academic community and society.
Jovana Jelić and Aleksa Denčevsk, two early-stage researchers and Ph.D. candidates, (Senzor Infiz, spin-off of Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia ) made a secondment to the University of Zaragoza/INMA in the framework of the Ultimate I project. The research lines of his group are directed at studying the surface properties of materials comprising both the surface physics and interfaces laboratories. The second included meetings with Spanish researchers, training, and measuring samples prepared in Serbia.
J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 3, 1393–1403, 10th Jan. 2024
Santiago D. Barrionuevo, Federico Fioravanti, Jorge M. Núñez, David Muñetón Arboleda, Gabriela I. Lacconi, Martin G. Bellino, Myriam H. Aguirre, Francisco J. Ibáñez
DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.11.361
Early Access (up to Jan. 2024)
Ceramics International
Available online: 29th Nov. 2023
L. Imhoff, M.B. Di Marco a, S.A. Barolin a, M.A. Rengifo, M.H. Aguirre, M.G. Stachiotti
All Open Access, Green Submitted