Sindy J. Rodríguez, Adriana E. Candia, Igor Stanković, Mario C.G. Passeggi, Jr., Gustavo D. Ruano
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 16977−16985, 1 Sep. 2023
All Open Access, Green Submitted
Ultra Thin Magneto Thermal Sensoring supported by European Union, Grant agreement ID: 101007825
Sindy J. Rodríguez, Adriana E. Candia, Igor Stanković, Mario C.G. Passeggi, Jr., Gustavo D. Ruano
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 16977−16985, 1 Sep. 2023
All Open Access, Green Submitted
Santiago D. Barrionuevo, Federico Fioravanti, Jorge M. Núñez, Mauricio Llaver, Myriam H. Aguirre, Martín G. Bellino, Gabriela L. Laconi, Francisco J. Ibáñez
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 11719, 11 Aug. 2023
DOI: 10.1039/d3tc01774e
All Open Access, Green Submitted
The second is the meeting between ULTIMATE-I and NESTOR, both Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) projects from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action involving researchers from Spain and Argentina, amount other countries, from left to right: Alejandro Butera, Myriam Aguirre (both ULTIMATE-I) and Gerardo Goya and Enio Lima Jr (NESTOR), both RISE project at Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA).
INMA Seminar: Ferromagnetic films on ferroelectric substrates – Alejandro Butera
The INMA Seminar and RISE-ULTIMATE-I Project hosted a seminar entitled “Ferromagnetic films on ferroelectric substrates”. The seminar willtake place on 17 April 2023. The session was given by the CONICET professor and researcher Alejandro Butera, from the Instituto Balseiro de San Carlos de Bariloche-Argentina.
The seminar took place on Monday 17 April at 12h in the Aula del Edificio I+D+I, 1st floor, Campus Río Ebro.
Summary: We present a study of the effects of applying an electric field on the magnetic response of Fe89Ga11 thin films deposited on PMN-PT (011) and (001) single-crystal ferroelectric substrates. Upon application of an electric field, we have observed that the M vs.H hysteresis loops are modified in the films grown on PMN-PT (011) crystals, consistent with a positive magnetostriction constant that depends on the film thickness. From ferromagnetic resonance experiments at 9.5 GHz, we obtained a thickness-dependent magnetoelectric constant in substrates (011), with a maximum dH/dE ~150 Oe.m/MV for t = 28 nm, consistent with estimates made from M vs. H loops.
We find that the facile magnetisation direction can be rotated by 90° with the application of an electric field only for 28 nm films deposited on PMN-PT (011). In thinner films, the magnetoelectric coefficient is too small to overcome the magnetic anisotropy. These results indicate that if magnetostrictive materials are to be applied in straintronics devices, the dependence of magnetic parameters on film thickness must be taken into account for optimal performance.
I will also give a summary of other topics we are investigating in the Magnetic Films group of the Magnetic Resonance Division – Bariloche, Argentina.
Authors: María Julia Jiménez, Livio Leiva, J.L. Ampuero Torres, G. Cabeza, J.E. Gómez, D. Velázquez Rodriguez, J. Milano, and A. Butera (presenter) from Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Bariloche Atomic Centre and Balseiro Institute, Bariloche, Argentina.
Iberian Thermoelectric Workshop – ITW ’23 Lisbon was hosted at Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear of IST-UL, Lisbon, from March 30-31 2023. The conference aims to provide opportunities to improve the collaboration between researchers and specialists in the thermoelectricity field and also allow an open discussion about the most recent advances in materials, properties measurement, module fabrication, and device applications.
Dra. Vanina Gisela Franco from Instituto de Física del Litoral IFIS-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina used her secondment to the University of Zaragoza to present her work on this exciting topic done in the scope of the ULTIMATE I project.
Alejandro Butera, CONICET professor and researcher of CNEA Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, from the Instituto Balseiro de San Carlos de Bariloche-Argentina is visiting the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) of the University of Zaragoza-Spain (UNIZAR) and Aragón Materials Science Institute (ICMA).
During his stay, he will study FeCo and permalloy samples prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) and use transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis by Titan TEM.
Alejandro Butera and Teobaldo Torres are in pictures preparing to enter the Clean Room for using the Dual Beam 650 and lamellae preparation.
ULTIMATE-I secondment to Senzor Infiz of Sindy J. Rodríguez Sotelo (Instituto de Física del Litoral IFIS-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina).
The secondment was used to explore interactions directing the self-assembly of magnetic nanocubes and prepare the publication with Carlos Garcia (CCTVal, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile). Also, a prolonged stay in Senzor Infiz was used to discuss the modelling of production processes, particularly the exfoliation of two-dimensional materials.
The results of the secondment are presented at the German Physical Society annual conference from 26 March to 31 March 2023 on the campus of the Technical University Dresden. The conference was organized by the Condensed Matter Section of the society.
Project description:
Magnetic nanodevices display a wide variety of behaviours that resemble the properties of both neurons and synapses. Neuromorphic computing takes inspiration from the way the brain processes data to improve energy efficiency and computational power. For the development of these magnetic nanodevices, including spin-orbit torque memories (SOT-MRAM), magnetic SOT oscillators and resistance-switching-based memories, optimization of materials and interfaces is required. The project involves the fabrication and characterization of magnonic and spintronic heterostructures for application in magnetic nanodevices.
From the point of view of materials science, basic studies of materials in large facilities will be carried out and from the applied point of view, systems with optimized properties of resistivity, generation/detection of spin currents and SOT efficiency will be worked on.
Deadline (reception of applications): April 15, 2023
Applicants should submit a CV, a list of publications, and a list of possible references to Dr. M. A. Laguna Marco ( and Dr. Myriam H. Aguirre (
Main Tasks:
Research Profile: PhD student
Research Field: Magnetic Nanodevices for Spintronic And
Neuromorphic Applications
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Time of Contract: 2 (CSIC) + 2 (University of Zaragoza) years
ULTIMATE-I researchers from Argentina, Luis Avilés and Julián Milano from CNEA / @Resonanlab / Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche win Argentinian national PICT projects in #spintronics and magnetic materials.
Two projects are funded by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación.
The topics of the projects are Spin Dynamics in Micro- and Nanostructures (Luis Avilé) and Control of acoustic and spin wave propagation through ferromagnetic thin films with periodic domain patterns (Julian Milano).
The goal of the projects is to investigate the spin transport phenomena in magnetic micro- and nanostructures for the generation, detection and control of spin currents!
Looking forward to the results of these projects!
Manipulating the magnetization of materials on extremely short time scales, in the picosecond range, is a highly coveted grail for information technologies. The complex magneto-optical techniques currently used are difficult to integrate spintronics into devices. To overcome these constraints, Juan Carlos Rojas-Sánchez of the Institut Jean Lamour (CNRS/Université de Lorraine) and one of the PIs of the ULTIMATE-I project has received an ERC Consolidator grant for his Magnetallien project.
In spintronics, components are controlled by a quantum parameter of electrons: the spin. This approach promises much more powerful and energy-efficient integrated circuits and components but faces many technical challenges.
“To achieve this goal, I am interested in materials where there is a strong coupling between spin and orbit,” explains Juan Carlos Rojas-Sánchez, a CNRS researcher at the Institut Jean Lamour (CNRS/Université de Lorraine). For example, when an electric current is passed through a platinum nanowire, it scatters the electrons in opposite directions according to their spin orientation, creating a spin current that can be injected into an adjacent magnetic layer. This phenomenon has applications such as memories, sensors or the realization of logic circuits.
Different approaches are envisaged to study and control this key ingredient: the spin-orbit coupling. For example, by generating a spin current in a thin layer of magnetic material and injecting it into a neighbouring layer. Understanding and exploiting this phenomenon on the picosecond time scale remains a challenge. It is currently only possible to obtain a signal of up to a hundred gigahertz using lasers and particularly “heavy” optical means,” notes Juan Carlos Rojas-Sanchez. I want to reduce the cost and size of the devices by exploiting new physical systems that use spin-orbit interaction.
To this end, he has set up the MAGNETALLIEN project, for which he has just been awarded this ERC Consolidator grant.
Original in French: