Chilean ULTIMATE-I researchers win national project for magnetism research

Congratulations to our Chilean colleagues! 👏

Dr. Carlos García, principal investigator of Applied Magnetism and Spintronic Materials Group at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) received funding for a project entitled “Thermomagnetic materials for energy and spintronic applications” through the national Fondecyt Regular program. The funding to continue promoting scientific-technological-based research in Chile, creating valuable knowledge with an impact on the academic community and society.

Secondment of Jovana Jelić and Aleksa Denčevski (Senzor Infiz, Serbia) to University of Zaragoza/INMA: training on experimental equipment for surface physics characterization

Jovana Jelić and Aleksa Denčevsk, two early-stage researchers and Ph.D. candidates, (Senzor Infiz, spin-off of Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia ) made a secondment to the University of Zaragoza/INMA in the framework of the Ultimate I project. The research lines of his group are directed at studying the surface properties of materials comprising both the surface physics and interfaces laboratories. The second included meetings with Spanish researchers, training, and measuring samples prepared in Serbia.

Ph.D. defense of Ms. Héloïse Damas

ULTIMATE-I is pleased to invite you to PhD defence entitled: Spin current generation and self-induced spin-orbit torque in quasi-isolated GdFeCo ferrimagnet

Héloïse Damas is PhD student within the Spintronics and Nanomagnetism team at Institut Jean Lamour in Nancy, France. She studies self-induced Spin-Orbit Torque in GdFeCo ferrimagnet and her expertise is in electrical measurements (low and high-frequency measurements, magnetotransport), fabrication of devices, and transport.

The defence is on Thursday, November 9th, 2023 at 1:30 pm sharp online and in amphitheatre A200 (Mines Nancy – Campus Artem – Nancy). The introduction of the presentation will be held in French and the rest of the presentation in English.

Photo ULTIMATE-I secondment to Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, Physics Department of the Centro Atómico Bariloche of the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, located in Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.

Participation in the XII Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials & their Aplications (LAW3M)

XII Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials & their Aplications (LAW3M), Puerto Varas (Chile), 16th to 20th Oct. 2023

Luis Avilés (CNEA); oral presentation: “Self-induced inverse spin Hall effect in disordered FePt thin films”; authors: J.L Ampuero, J.E. Gómez, A. Butera, L. Avilés-Félix
Alejandro Butera (CONICET); oral presentation: “Spin currents in Co/NM (Cu, Cr or Al)/Ni80Fe20 trilayers”; authors: Adriel Belmonte, A.A. Pérez-Martínez, D. Velázquez-Rodríguez, J.L. Ampuero-Torres, L. Avilés-Félix, J.E. Gómez, A. Butera
Enio Lima Jr. (CONICET); oral presentation: “On the mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis by magnetic ferritenanoparticles for H2O2 decomposition in reactive oxygen species”; authors: Enio Lima Jr., Marco Antonio Morales Ovalle, Nahuel Nuñes, Teobaldo E.Torres, Marcelo Vasquez Mansilla, Dina Tobia, Martín E. Saleta, Gerardo F.Goya, Roberto D. Zysler, Elin L. Winkler
Daniela Valdés (CONICET); oral presentation: “Thermographical method to assess the performance of magnetic nanoparticles in hyperthermia experiments through spatiotemporal emperature profiles”; authors: D.P. Valdés, T.E. Torres, A.C. Moreno Maldonad, G. Urretavizcaya, M.S.Nadal, M. Vásquez Mansilla, R. D. Zysler, G. F. Goya, E. De Biasi, E.Lima Jr
Elin Winkler (CNEA); oral presentation: “Tuning the magnetic properties from the design of nanoparticles with onion-like architecture”; authors: J.M. Núñez, F. Fabris, E.Lima Jr., R.D. Zysler, M.H. Aguirre, E.L. Winkler
J. Rodríguez (CNEA); poster presentation: “Domain structure and magnetic characterization of Tb/Co syntheticFerrimagnets”; authors: J. Rodríguez, M. Guyon, L. Avilés-Félix, S. Auffret, R. Sousa, I. L.Prejbeanu, A. Bruchhausen, E. de Biasi, J. Curiale
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Effect of copper content in magnetic and catalytic properties of ironoxide nanoparticles”; N. Núñez, E. Lima Jr., M. Vásquez Mansilla, F. Goya, A. Gallo-Córdova, M.P. Morales, E.L. Winkler
Daniela Valdés (CONICET); poster presentation: “Exploring the effects of size, anisotropy, frequency, and interactions on magnetic nanoparticle performance in hyperthermia applications”; authors: D. P. Valdés, E. Lima Jr., R.D. Zysler, G.F. Goya, E. De Biasi.

Secondment of Dr. Mario C.G. Passeggi (CONICET, Argentina) to University of Zaragoza/INMA: discussing theoretical and experimental work on surface physics of magnetic materials

Dr Mario C.G. Passeggi director of the Surface Physics Group of the Institute of Technological Development for the Chemical Industry (INTEC, CONICET, Argentina) made a secondment to the University of Zaragoza/INMA in the framework of the Ultimate I project. The research lines of his group are directed at studying the surface properties of materials comprising both the surface physics and interfaces laboratories and the theoretical physics of surfaces. The second included meetings with Spanish researchers, evaluation of the ESR research already done in the past two years of the project, and setting precise targets for the remaining project period.

The Surface Physics Group is part of the Institute, the Instituto de Física del Litoral (IFIS Litoral), maintaining the double dependence on CONICET and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.