Participation in the IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2024)

IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2024), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 5th to 10th May 2024


Lara Solís (CNEA); oral presentation: “Thermal spin-current generation in Bi-substituted YIG films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”. Collaboration with I. Larmour, INN Constituyentes y Bariloche, UNIZAR, Laboratoire Albert Fert

Joaquin Gajst (CNEA); poster presentation: “Strain-induced oxygen vacancies and ferromagnetic order near the interfaces in CaMnO3 thin films”; collaboration with J. Santiso (ICN2), J.P. Coronel, L. Steren y J. Gajst INN Constituyentes, F. Williams INQUIMAE BsAs

Ángel Alejandro Pérez Martínez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Influence of ferromagnetic coupling in Fe 85 Co 15 /Py bilayers on the ISHE voltage generated by spin pumping” INN Bariloche

Laura Steren (CONICET); poster presentation: “Correlation between strains and oxygen vacancies and magnetotransport properties of CaMnO3 thin films”
Collaboration with J. Santiso (ICN2), J.P. Coronel, L. Steren, A. López Pedroso & J. Gajst INN Constituyentes, F. Williams INQUIMAE BsAs, M. Aguirre, UNIZAR , S. Carreira y J. Briático Lab. Albert Fert

Participation in the International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy)

International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy), from 30th June to 5th July 2024

Lara Solís (CNEA); poster presentation: “Thermal spin-current beneration in bi-substituted YIG films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”; authors: L. M. Solís, A. Anadón, M. Rengifo, J. Santiso, J. C. Rojas-Sánchez, S. Petit-Watelot, L. Steren, M. H. Aguirre.

Ana Mª Llois (CONICET); poster presentation: “Magnetic interactions in transition metal atoms arrangements deposited on a ferroelectric In2Se3 monolayer”; authors: Jhon F Ospina, María Andrea Barral, Ana María Llois, Solange M Di Napoli.

Solange Di Napoli (CONICET); poster presentation: “Magnetic transition and spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas controlled by polarization switching in strained CaMnO3/BaTiO3 slabs”; authors: Solange M Di Napoli, Augusto Román, Ana María Llois, Myriam Aguirre, Laura B. Steren, María Andrea Barral.

Andrea Barral (CONICET; MELON project); poster presentation: “Magnetoelectronic coupling in Fe-Ga/PMN-PT thin films multiferroic composites”; authors: M. Tortarolo, D. Goijman, M.A. Barral, S. Di Napoli, A.A. Pérez Martínez, G. Ramírez, A. Sarmiento, J. Gómez, C.A.F. Vaz, J. Milano C. Piamonteze.

Myriam Aguirre (UNIZAR); poster presentation: “Structural magnetic and transport properties of product phase related to thermal treatment of natural pyrite”; authors: Sindy Rodríguez, Vanina G. Franco, Jorge M. Núñez, Miguel M. Rengifo, Carlos I. Zandalazini, Jorge L. Navarro, Myriam H. Aguirre.