M.A. Laguna-Marco, J. Herrero-Albillos, M.H. Aguirre, M. Rueda-Jiménez, I. Mikulska
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 968, 15 December 2023, 171975, 15 Dec. 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171975
All Open Access, Gold-Hybrid
M.A. Laguna-Marco, J. Herrero-Albillos, M.H. Aguirre, M. Rueda-Jiménez, I. Mikulska
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 968, 15 December 2023, 171975, 15 Dec. 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171975
All Open Access, Gold-Hybrid
ULTIMATE-I members from Chile, Serbia, and Spain participated and presented their new results on magnetism and spintronics during the annual conference of the Chilean Physical Society held at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM), Valparaíso, Chile.
Paolo Vavassori from nanoGune in Spain gave a talk on Ultrafast control of magnetization by light.
Mario Mery, Claudio Gonzalez, J. E. Valdés, Vanina Franco, Myriam H. Aguirre, and Carlos Garcia presented a poster on the Ferromagnetic response of NiO irradiated with H2 and He+ ion beams. Their work included research performed by three project partner organizations (CONICET from Argentina, UNIZAR from Spain, and USM from Chile).
ULTIMATE-I secondment to Centro Atómico Bariloche’s Magnetic Resonance Laboratory: Héloïse Damas, Juan-Carlos Rojas-Sánchez (both IJL/UL/CNRS – France), Igor Stanković (IPB/SenzorInfiz – Serbia), and Paolo Vavassori (CIC nanoGUNE – Spain).
A high level of interaction during the secondment provides us with a productive period regarding knowledge transfer, scientific idea exchange and discussion.
We finished another successful LATAM SPINTRONICS #spinargentina2022.
Thanks to all attendees for developing a respectful, friendly environment, especially Alejandro Butera, Luis Avilés Félix & Resonance Lab. for their excellent job.
Stay tuned for the next LATAM SPIN in 2024.
ULTIMATE-I participation in SPIN Argentina 2022 – Workshop on Spintronics
6 – 11 November 2022, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
Invited talks:
L. B. Steren, INN-Conicet, Argentina, Control of magnetism by electric fields and strains in oxide-based multiferroics.
J. Curiale, Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, CNEA– CONICET, Río Negro, Argentina, Universal critical exponents of the magnetic domain wall depinning transition.
Andrew D. Kent, Center for Quantum Phenomena, Dept. of Physics, New York University, USA, Spin-orbit Torques in Antiferromagnet Insulator/Heavy Metal Heterostructures.
P. Vavassori, CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, Spain, Plasmon-assisted nanomagnetic logics.
Contributed talks:
J. E. Gómez, Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA, INN, CONICET, Argentine, Tungsten crystal structure: Its role on the spin transport parameters.
H. Damas, Université de Lorraine, CNRS, France, Currentinduced Self-Torque in GdFeCo ferrimagnet.
I. Stanković, Scientific Computing Laboratory, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Tubular structures of magnetic particles – an accessible platform for curvilinear nanomagnetism.
M.A. Laguna–Marco. Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain, Optimizating the performance of IrO2 by doping: Ir1–xMxO2 thin films (M = Sn, Cr, Co).
and 22 posters, among them:
Lara Solís (CNEA): ”FMR and thermal spin pumping enhanced by perpendicular anisotropy in YIG/Pt bilayers”; authors: Lara M. Solís, Santiago Carreira, Javier Gómez, Javier Briático, Abdelmadjid Anane, Alejandro Butera, Laura Steren, Myriam H. Aguirre
Sindy Rodríguez (CONICET): “Recognition of switching events in molecular nanoprobe experiment: an application to study spin transport”; authors: S.J. Rodríguez, A. Moya , M.H. Aguirre, M.C.G. Passeggi, R. Ibarra, D. Serrate
Sindy Rodríguez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Planar surfaces of point dipoles as a platform for 2d magnetic structure research”; authors: I. Stankovic, M. Passeggi, M. Aguirre, C. García
J. Martín Núñez (CONICET): “Synthesis and magneto-transport properties of FeO@Fe3O4@MgO@Fe3O4 onion-like magnetic nanoparticles”; authors: Jorge M. Núñez , Víctor Leborán , Francisco Rivadulla, Gerardo. F. Goya, Roberto D. Zysler , Myriam H. Aguirre, Elin L. Winkler
International Workshop on Spintronics – Spin Argentina 2022 started today.
Between November 7 and 11, around 125 participants from different parts of the world will enjoy in 36 invited talks, 24 contributed, 56 posters, and between presenters four 2022 IEEE Magnetic Society Distinguished Lecturers.
The participants will exchange their latest results and ideas about #magnetism, #magnetic materials and their applications! In these 4 weeks of classes and experiments, they will explore different aspects of magnetism and spintronics.
The Workshop includes two networking activities: Meet the experts on Monday at 8:30 pm at a location to be defined, and Women in Magnetism on Tuesday at 8 pm at the same hotel as the conference.
Meet the experts provides PhD students and PostDocs with an opportunity to participate in a small-group discussion and get advice on career planning, technical paper writing, publication, job searches, research opportunities, or societal involvement. NETWORKING ACTIVITIES sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society Initiative to “Promote Magnetism in LATAM”.
Women in Magnetism event will propose a discussion about motivation programs for girls/young students in different countries The discussed topics will be: (1) the motivation of young female students for STEM careers (from primary school to university), and (2) Gender equality and science: from laws to social and work visibility.
Please also check the website, https://fisica.cab.cnea.gov.ar/spin2022/, for complete information.
This Spin Argentina event is possible thanks to the « historical » support of Gen Tatara, which has been joined this year by IEEE Magnetic Society and IOP Publishing Latinoamerica, CONICET, INN, CNEA, Fundación Balsiero, Instituto Balseiro, and MINCYT. The school is actively supported by the Ultra-Thin Magneto Thermal-SensorIng (ULTIMATE-I) project of the European Commission and in particular its participating organizations French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), coordinator.
SPIN Argentina Workshop follows the School of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, also supported by ULTIMATE-I, and many teachers and students will join the conference creating synergies.
International Workshop on Spintronics – Spin Argentina 2022 is two weeks away. We will be around 125 participants from different parts of the world!!
We will have the four 2022 IEEE Magnetic Society Distinguished Lecturers, 36 invited speakers, 24 oral contributions, 56 posters, and about 10 more attendees so far.
Please also check the website, https://fisica.cab.cnea.gov.ar/spin2022/, for updates.
This Spin Argentina event is possible thanks to the “historical” support of Gen Tatara, which has been joined this year by our project Ultimate-I (Ultra Thin Magneto Thermal Sensoring supported by the European Union), and the IEEE Magnetic Society, as well as IOP Publishing Latinoamerica, CONICET, INN, CNEA, Fundación Balsiero, Instituto Balseiro, and MINCYT.
This has allowed us to keep costs to a minimum and to be able to give about 30 waivers to students and young post-docs from different parts of the world. More recently, thanks to the IEEE initiative to Promote Magnetism in LATAM, we can support partially covering travel and accommodation expenses for LATAM students. And to organize networking activities.
We have two networking activities: Meet the experts on Monday at 8:30 pm at a location to be defined, and Women in Magnetism on Tuesday at 8 pm at the same hotel as the conference. Everyone is invited to participate. More details of these events will be shared later and will also be posted on the website.
Between October 17 and 28, the “V School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” takes place, organized at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CONICET-CNEA) / the Constituyentes Atomic Center (San Martín, Buenos Aires Province). This year, the School is focused on the growth and characterization of nanomaterials in the form of thin films. The school is supported by the Ultra-Thin Magneto Thermal-SensorIng (ULTIMATE-I) project of the European Commission, French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR).
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are advancing rapidly, forming a disciplinary area with a deep impact both at the level of basic and applied science, providing solutions for the main problems facing humanity, such as the generation, conversion and storage of energy, the caring for the environment, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or the storage and processing of information. The School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ENN) will contribute to the education or training of new generations of scientists and technologists in the different manufacturing techniques, characterization, assembly and control of nanosystems, as well as the different calculation tools. The activity is aimed at doctoral and post-doctoral students and young researchers interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology and in the development of nanomaterials and devices. This opportunity will allow ULTIMATE-I researchers to present tutorials on thin film growth, nanocharacterization by XRD and TEM, device nanofabrication, nanomagnetism, and transport measurements.
The school is aimed at doctoral students, post-doctoral students and young researchers interested in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The classes will be given by project members Laura Steren (CONICET), Myriam Aguirre (UNIZAR), Javier Briático (CNRS), Juan Bonaparte (CNEA) and Diego Rubí (CONICET):
The second week of Escuela J. A. Balseiro of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials started! 26 students from Argentina and other parts of Latin America are participating in this exciting event.
The participants learn about #magnetism, #magnetic materials and their applications! In these 4 weeks of classes and experiments, they will explore different aspects of magnetism and spintronics.
The sponsors of this edition of the J. A. Balseiro School organized by the Balseiro Institute in 2022 are the CNEA, the UNCUYO, the Williams Foundation, the J. A. Balseiro Foundation, and the Ultra-Thin Magneto Thermal-SensorIng (ULTIMATE-I) project of the European Commission and the University of Zaragoza.
for “Surface and interface effects in magnetic Fe3O4@MgO@CoFe2O4 onion-like nanoparticles”.
Authors: J.M.Núñez, S. Hettler, E. Lima Jr., G.F. Goya, R.D. Zysler, M.H. Aguirre, E.L. Winkler.
Related: Teobaldo Torres (CONICET); poster presentation at 3Nano-22 (BEST POSTER AWARD)
Photos of Martín Núñez and Teobaldo Torres on Facebook (NESTOR project)